由於國內教育訓練中心所開設的課程,都比較偏向認證課程,對想學習這方面的人,是蠻有幫忙的,但對於想學一些比較進階課程的人來說,幫助並不大。有鑑於此,我們實驗室 (Malware-Test Lab) 針對企業 (只開放企業包班,因為課程費用比較高) 開設一系列的資訊安全 (比較偏向惡意程式)、Windows 系統核心與 Windows 驅動程式設計等課程,有興趣的企業、公家單位與軍事單位等,可以利用作者資訊欄中的電子郵件聯絡我。

微軟 Windows 系統相關課程 (比照 OSR,開設相關課程):

  • Windows OS Architecture and Internals (3 天)

  • Introduction to Windows Driver Development (3 天)

  • Kernel Debugging for Windows (3 天)

  • Writing WDM Kernel Mode Drivers for Windows (3 天)

  • Advanced Driver Topics for Windows (2 天)

  • Advanced Driver Development for Windows (4 天)

  • Developing File System Mini-Filters for Windows (5 天)

  • 客製化課程 (依據客戶需求)

  • 其他,請參考 OSR

靜態惡意程式分析課程 (Static Malware Analysis):

  • Static Malware Analysis Level I (Introduction level) (2 days): Introduction level will cover basic assembly language, PE format, virus types, and basic encryption/infection/evolution/EPO techniques and analysis tools. If the attendants are already knowledgable in these areas, then they should skip this.

  • Static Malware Analysis Level II (Intermediate level) (2 days): The intermediate level will cover packers, anti-debugging/anti-heuristics/anti-emulation techniques. Half of the class time will be in lecture and half in lab. In the lab, the attendants will analyze different viruses.

  • Static Malware Analysis Level III (Advanced level) (2~3 days): The advanced level will cover advanced anti-debugging/anti-heuristics/anti-emulation techniques. Most of class time will be spent in lab. Discussion will be held often to keep everyone up to progress and to identify the techniques used. Two or more viruses will be analyzed each day.


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